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Burglars crash into Bengaluru villa, robs residents at gun point: Report

A daylight robbery at a villa in a gated community sent out chills to the residents of North Bengaluru. Two burglars, who pretended to be salesmen from a company, robbed cash, cell phones and ornaments worth ₹1 lakh on Friday afternoon in Bagalur police limits, said a report in The Times of India.
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According to the report. Two men wearing masks and helmets entered one of the villas of Royal Palm Enclave on Bagalur’s main road. They pulled out guns from the bag and threatened the woman inside the house to give them their belongings. The two sons, who are studying seventh and ninth standards, were also present at the house and the accused threatened them as well, using guns. However, the burglars robbed three pairs of silver anklets, three pairs of toe rings and gold chains preserved in a locker. They further grabbed two cell phones and a cash of ₹10,000. All the items, including cash, were valued at ₹1 lakh, and a complaint has been filed.
Bagalur police are investigating the case, and a hunt has already been launched. Police told the publication that they could only confirm whether the guns were original after the arrest of the accused.
The victim’s husband is reportedly a plywood businessman, and he was in Chennai for a business trip when the incident happened.
